Tuesday 3 July 2012

SEOPressor Review

Now a days everybody is looking to rank their website in top 10 in various search engines. People are paying a lot of money to the various SEO Companies to get a decent or good ranking. Now, here is the solution by which people can bring their website or blog in top ranking in Google, Yahoo, Msn and many other search engines.

Here is the perfect solution to the bloggers who are looking for SEO solution. SEOPressor is an awesome WordPress plugin for Search Engine Optimization which is released way back for the bloggers like us.

Here are the key features of SEOPressor:
  • Analysis of the title and header tags :  Heading tags and the title of the website are the most crucial factors which are responsible for the search engine ranking. SEOPressor will use it’s intelligence and will analyze headings structure and title of your blog and will also suggest you to correct it.
  • Content Length and Keyword Density Analysis : It is been stated infinite times that Google love to see long content rather than short content. Now, SEOPressor will analyze your content length and also the keyword density used in the length and will also suggest you to change or edit your content accordingly.
  • Font decoration Analysis  : SEOPressor will analyze your content and will crosscheck the keywords you used in it. Once done it will just suggest you to decorate the suggested keywords or the keyphrases with bold, italic or underlined.
  • Links and Image Analysis : Now a days people are also doing SEO for images and they are bringing a good amount of traffic using the images on their website. SEOPressor will analyze the images you will be using in your post and then it will provide information about the captions, titles and alts to be used in the images.
  • Can Rate and test each and every page : SEOPressor can analyze each and every post of your blog. So, you don’t have to worry about the previous published posts and pages.

It can also do a lot of thing which is beyond your imagination. So, what you are waiting for? Just buy SEOPressor now.

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